Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Blogging Meme #1

Thanks Sonya (@vanschaijik) for starting this, Vanessa (@VanessaJC83 check out for tagging me and Helen (@HelenofTroy01) for starting a Google Doc to track all these enlightening Memes (is that a word?).

 So this is mine!!
The blogging task includes:

  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  • List 11 bloggers.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated.  Don't nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

11 Random Facts about Me:
  1. I have an obsession about all the pins being the same colour when I pin a piece of work to the wall.
  2. I won't eat a banana whole - it has to be mashed on toast or be in a banana cake.
  3. I bought my Def Leppard cassette Hysteria the same day I bought Bros.  Def Leppard are still cool.  No one remembers Bros.
  4. I have a very large collection of Cleo magazines.
  5. I have moved eight times since April 2002, and my cat Murray has moved eleven times (he had extra moves to his 'grandparents' due to my work commitments).
  6. I have two cats:  Murray McFlurray and Ritchie McClaw.  Murray is named after Murray Mexted and the McFlurry dessert at McDonalds; Ritchie is named after Richie McCaw with a play on claws (thanks to my class and teacher aide).
  7. I named Ritchie McClaw's brother Dan Catter.  He lives in my parent's shed.
  8. I have Ngapuhi (Ngati Manu) ancestry, as well as Prussian/Polish, Swiss, English, Irish, French and Australian convict ancestry - a bit of mongrel.
  9. I love going to Whitianga - my family has been going there since the 1950s (when my Dad was a wee lad).
  10. I have a Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Teaching, and Graduate Diploma of Information Technology in Education (GDITE) and this is my 19th year as a teacher.
  11. I lost weight on my OE in England because I gave up drinking beer before I left NZ because it made me get too many pimples!!

My eleven questions from @VanessaJC83:
  1. If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why?  Possibly Canada.  I really liked the ice hockey game I went to and thought if I couldn't live in NZ and watch great rugby, ice hockey would be cool.  And Canadians are lovely people.
  2. What is your favourite holiday destination in New Zealand?  Mercury Bay, Whitianga in particular.  It's my turangawaewae.  When I was overseas, I carried a picture of the view from my beach, Wharekaho, wherever I went.
  3. As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?  Wonder Woman.
  4. What did you wonder about today?  How nice it was at the beach and if the waves were any good.
  5. What did you learn today?  Actually, nothing.  Today is the first day in ages I haven't obsessively googled something to find out about it!  Very unusual for me!!
  6. Facebook or Google+ and why?  Facebook - all my friends are on it.  I have no idea if any of my friends even know about Google+ so I don't share anything from it.
  7. What do you love and/or hate most about technology?  I love the endless possibilities and the evolution of it.  When I saw my first computer it was amazing, but very limited.  We never foresaw what we have today.  What I hate about it: there's so much to try and do.... I don't have enough time to check it all out, and I've become obsessed with checking my Twitter and Facebook updates and checking what is the latest news... and the matching game in my Talking Cat app.
  8. How do you like to relax after a long, hard day at work?  It's cool to catch up with friends over a drink and nibbles..... or die quietly in front of the tv with my laptop and cell phone on hand.
  9. What was your highlight of 2013?  Still having my Gran at the end of the year.  She's given us a few frights, and after her brother died in October we've worried about her even more.
  10. What is your favourite TV programme or movie and why?  Shortland Street - I can hear your howls.... but it is quintessentially Kiwi and I missed it so much on my OE.  Every NZ actor has been on it or will be on it at some point and for better or worse it reflects NZ society.
  11. Please share your favourite children's book and why. Ohhh, this is hard because there are so many good ones.... probably Kiss Kiss Yuck Yuck.  It is a kiwi kids book, about a little boy called Andy whose Aunty Elsie visits every weekend and he hides from her but she always finds him and gives him big kisses and a new endearing nickname.  I like it because my brother is called Andrew and our Aunty Ellen and Aunty Gail always held him down to get their kisses.  I gave it to him for his birthday well before he had kids, and now he reads it too his kids and we trained my nephew Taylor to say Yuck Yuck when Aunty Ellen gives him kisses!!
My lucky chosen eleven bloggers:
@NZAnts  @fuse711 @JaniceWW  @BeLchick1   @simone015  @mrsmoorenz                        @fivefoot3     @MissesArtech           @AKeenReader     @kgilligan           @Novalightning

My questions for my bloggers:
  1. What is your favourite movie of all time?
  2. Who was your favourite teacher as a child and why?
  3. If you could combine any two animals in the world, which ones would you combine and why?
  4. If you won Lotto Powerball, what would be the first thing you would do after the money went into your bank account?
  5. You're Prime Minister for the day - what one thing would you do?
  6. Which food/meal from your childhood haunts you still today?
  7. In all your travels, in New Zealand or overseas, your favourite place and why was....?
  8. Which song or artist always puts you in your happy place?
  9. If your house was on fire, what three items would you save if that was all you could take?
  10. As an educationalist, what was one of your most satisfying moments?
  11. What do you look for in a leader at your school/education facility?
Thanks for reading and sharing and participating.  I know it's taken me a while to get this done Vanessa, but better late than never!!

And maybe you can adapt this idea for your class at the beginning of the year!

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