Monday, 2 January 2012

Melbourne Cup Part 2: Ties for the the boys!

Yeah.  I've been slack.  But in my defence, we all know that November/December are busy months for teachers.

But now it is holidays and I am back!!!

So here is what my boys did for the Melbourne Cup.

First I downloaded an outline of a tie from the net, and put a number of them on a page and printed them out on A3 paper so they would be big.  I think it was two per page.  I photocopied it onto cartridge for extra strength.

I went to the Warehouse and sifted through their amazing assortment of paper for scrapbooking and the like to choose paper with the most funky patterns and shapes.  Nothing flowery for my country boys (who regularly grab the pink pencils I dole out as prizes!).

I let the boys have free choice of the paper they used (hard for a control freak teacher).  My only requirement to them was to have no part of the original paper showing.

Obviously the boys used scissors and they used gluesticks.  PVA can also be used.

Some boys went for large colour blocks, some boys went for using as many patterns and colours as they could.  They really liked the variety of colour and pattern and the texture of the scrapbooking paper.

The boys were very proud of their work and proudly wore them around the class and shared with each other what they were creating.  For a simple activity, they got a lot of pleasure, and this activity can be done with all ages, not just my 9-11 year olds!!

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