Thursday, 3 November 2011

Melbourne Cup Day

On Tuesday it was Melbourne Cup Day, and my kids had been so busy with Rugby World Cup work, I thought I'd pile the pressure on even more and throw in a Melbourne Cup activity.

The girls made fascinators and the boys made neckties.

At The Warehouse, they are selling jewellery making kits in blue, pink and red/black for $3.  So I bought a kit for every pair of girls.  I was also able to purchase a pack of six combs (lucky I have six girls!) and a small roll of ribbon for each group in blue, pink and black.  Then I supplied the girls with the appropriate coloured feathers from my special stash.  Unfortunately, I only had one black feather and no red feathers, so that pair were given red and black pipe cleaners instead.

I wore my fascinator to school to show the girls what a fascinator was.  They paired off with their container of goodies and problem solved themselves to create the fascinator.  They put it all together with a glue gun.

I was really pleased with how each fascinator came out differently.  In the jewellery pack there was a piece of jewellery wire which they had to split evenly, and that allowed them to thread some of their baubles on too.

The fascinator above proved a challenge, as the tall feathers would not stay standing up.  Then the girls decided the best way was to unfold a paperclip and glue it to the feather in the desired shape.

The pipe cleaners definitely added height to this fascinator.

They also learnt that if you put anything lower down on the comb, it is harder to put into your hair.

The boys made neckties.  The pictures are yet to come.